ME !

Friends are born, not made !

She the most that understand me ! But now she gone . I love she damn Much but I don't know did she love me now ? Or NOT ! I miss the past time I had with you . If I can replay the time . I'll stop the time and be with you . Please stop make me cry about you ! I were waiting for that

Macam Nii kee pelajar SPM ?

Belum ready lagihh masuk Form 5 . tak mahu hidup sensara macam nii , sob sob :( Exam untuk bulan 5 dah dekat derr ! Nak belajar sebab dijanjikan benda nii ! Satuu jerr yang jadi problem ! MALAS . Semua nyaa berantakan ! Please lah , sapa-sapa yang ada ubat untuk penyakit nii . tolong bagitau ! ><


Justin ! Wanna See You !

Please , Nak sangat jumpa dia . biarpun dalam mimpi :[  Dia dah matured skrang ! HAHA ! Tengokk nii . Betoll annn ? Annn ?

Tapi satu jerr yang buat aku panas , bila dia dekat sangat dengan minahh nii ! Alahai . 

tapi sokee , kita tengokk sampai bila korang boleh bertahan ! Eleahh , ayat ! macam jahat jerr ! 
okee , akuu doakan korang hampehh kemudian ! hikhik !